Dynamic Fracture & Explosion Safety Laboratory


--Liu Y, Du Y*, Zhou F, et al. Deformation and Dynamic Response of Steel Belt Staggered Multi-Layer Cylindrical Shell Under External Blast Loading[J]. Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 2023, 145(5): 051301.
--Du Y*, Liu Y, Li L, et al. Mechanism of rippling deformation of pipe due to internal reflected detonation. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2022, 169:104339.

--Liu Y, Du Y*, Zhang Z, Zhou F. On the Elastoplastic Dynamic Response of Steel Belt Staggered Multi-Layer Cylindrical Shell Subjected to External Blast Loading. ASME 2022 Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. July 17–22, 2022.

--Du Y, Ma L,  Zheng J, et al. Numerical prediction on dynamic fracture of tubes subjected to internal gaseous detonation. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2016, 66: 489-501.

--Ma L, Du Y, Wang X, et al. Scale effect of explosive destruction of spherical vessels: Dynamic crack propagation and branching. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2016, 96: 173-180.

--Du Y, Zhou F, Hu W, et al. Dynamic response and crack propagation of pre-flawed square tube under internal hydrogen-oxygen detonation. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019. 44(40): 22507-22518.

--Du Y, Zhou F, Ma L, et al. Dynamic fracture response of pre-flawed elbow pipe subjected to internal hydrogen-oxygen detonation. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2018, 43(42): 19625-19635.

--Du Y, Ma L, Zheng J, et al. Coupled simulation of explosion-driven fracture of cylindrical shell using SPH-FEM method. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 2016, 139: 28-35.


--Du, Y*, Liu Y, Zhou F, et al. Propagation and intensity of blast wave from hydrogen pipe rupture due to internal detonation. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2023. 81: 104933.

--Ren Y, Du Y*, Zhou F. Numerical analysis on the blast field from gas pipeline burst considering fluid-structure interaction. ASME 2022 Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. July 17–22, 2022.

--Du Y, Zhou F, Ma L, et al. Consequence analysis of premixed flammable gas explosion occurring in pipe using a coupled fluid-structure-fracture approach. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2019, 57: 81-93.

--Du Y, Zhang F, Zhang A, et al. Consequences assessment of explosions in pipes using coupled FEM-SPH method. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries. 2016, 43: 549-558.

--杜洋, 马利, 郑津洋, 等.考虑流固耦合的管道爆炸后果预测与分析. 浙江大学学报:工学版, 2017, 3: 429-435.

--杜洋, 等. 一种基于等效载荷的抗爆管道壁厚的计算方法,发明专利, ZL 202110522262.4

--杜洋, 等. 基于断面痕迹测量的可燃气体管道爆炸强度推演方法, 发明专利, ZL202110409224.8.

--杜洋, 等. 一种考虑方向性的管道物理爆炸冲击波超压计算方法,发明专利, ZL202110409237.5.



--Du Y, Zhou F, Zheng L, et al. Comparison of mode-Ⅰ crack propagation of tube subjected to internal hydrogen static and detonation loading. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2020, 45(19): 11199-11210.

--Du Y, Zhou F, Hu W, et al. Incremental dynamic crack propagation of pipe subjected to internal gaseous detonation. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2020, 142: 103580.

--杜洋, 等. 一种根据管道裂纹渐进扩展距离计算内部爆炸载荷速率的方法, 发明专利, ZL201910662005.3, 2020.